The Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 and 4 Management with Chronic Care Model Program at Wanon Niwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province


  • Rawadee Kotprom Wanonniwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province



Management program, Chronic disease care, Chronic kidney disease patients


This quasi-experimental research studies the results of the chronic kidney disease management program, phase 3 and phase 4, using the chronic disease care model at Wanonniwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province. The population and sample of the study is a female patient who comes to be admitted to the hospital in the female medical ward of Inthanin Building, Wanonniwat Hospital, 20 cases. The research instrument was an open-ended interview. It was analyzed using Paired t-test statistics.
The results of the study found that testing knowledge before and after self-management slowed down kidney deterioration in food, medicine, and control of blood pressure and sugar levels. Exercise and stress management stress management all have increased score levels. At the highest-level results of evaluating the effectiveness of the program before and after the experiment by evaluating clinical results: mean BUN (Blood urea nitrogen) before using the program 24.61 mg/dl, mean BUN 18.23 mg/dl, mean Creatinine 2.24 after using the program, BUN value has a value equal to 1.39 eGFR has a value equal to 22.36 ml/min has a value equal to 44.45 ml/min.
Providing patients with knowledge and close care can help them slow down the deterioration of their kidneys. This is the model of chronic disease care for patients with chronic kidney disease, stage 3 and stage 4 in Wanonniwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province, and can be used as supporting information or as a guideline for developing care for patients with chronic kidney disease.


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How to Cite

Kotprom, R. (2024). The Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 and 4 Management with Chronic Care Model Program at Wanon Niwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province. Science and Technology to Community, 2(4), 60–73.



Research Articles