A Study of Knowledge, Self-Confidence and Sodium Consumption Behavior of Akha Population in Mae Yao Sub-District, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province
Knowledge, Confidence, High sodium consumption behavior, Akha ethic group, High-sodium foodsAbstract
This study aimed to examine the knowledge, self-confidence, and sodium consumption behaviors of the Akha ethnic group in Mae Yao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province. A cross-sectional descriptive research design and community survey approach were used. Data were collected from 211 Akha people using a questionnaire consisting of four parts: personal characteristic, knowledge about sodium-rich foods, sodium consumption behaviors and self-confidence in changing behaviors to reduce sodium consumption. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine the differences between personal factors and knowledge, self-efficacy, and sodium consumption behaviors. The comparison of means between two independent groups was performed, with statistical significance set at a level of < 0.05. Results showed that: Most participants were females aged 41-59 years, weighing 51-70 kilograms, with a height of 151-170 centimeters, a body mass index of 18.50-22.90 kg/m2, normal blood pressure, primary education as the highest level of education, and no underlying chronic diseases; Knowledge about sodium-rich foods was moderate (56.4%); Behaviors in reducing sodium consumption were moderate (82.90%); Self-confidence in changing behaviors to reduce sodium consumption was moderate (51.20%); and There were statistically significant differences between personal factors and knowledge, self-efficacy, and sodium consumption behaviors. The findings of this study can be used to develop community health promotion activities.
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