Intercropping for forage crops and Herbs Production
Turmeric, Krachai-dam, Napier grass pakchong 1, Flavonoid, CurcuminAbstract
The research aimed to study the optimal planting distance for herbs and the stem planting of Napier grass in intercropping, analyzing growth, yield, active constituents of herbs, and the nutritional components of animal feed plants. The results indicated that the optimal planting distance was 100 cm for turmeric and Krachai-Dam, with a 90-degree stem planting method yielding the best fresh weights for both herbs (P > 0.05). The curcumin content in turmeric varied significantly and was influenced solely by the planting distance. In contrast, the flavonoid content in black Krachai-Dam showed significant variation, affected by both planting distance and stem planting method. The growth of the Napier grass Pakchong 1non significantly. However, nutritional components such as moisture, ash, protein and fiber exhibited significant differences, with protein and fiber also influenced by various factors. Additionally, the planting distance affected the shade of Napier grass, leading to differences in the growth and yield of the herbs.
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