The Effect of the Guideline for the Care of Patients with Sepsis at Emergency Accidents and Forensic Medicine Department in Tao Ngoi Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province
Sepsis, Septic shock, SOS ScoreAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the knowledge and skills of the approach to sepsis patient care at the emergency accidents and forensic medicine department in Tao Ngoi Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province as well as to examine the impact of using nursing guidelines for patient care. Two groups comprised the sample: 14 registered nurses and sepsis-diagnosed patient's medical records. A questionnaire measuring knowledge and assessment of skills in using the SOS Score in caring for patients with sepsis of registered nurses in applying guidelines for treating patients with bloodstream infections assessed 79 cases. Assessment of satisfaction with the use of SOS Score by registered nurses. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test.
According to the research findings, patients who received care after the development of knowledge and skills in using the guidelines for the care of patients with bloodstream infections had a decrease in the number of patients with shock to 9.09 % from the original 22.86 %. Additionally, there was not found mortality rate. Registered nurses scored highly on knowledge, with scores of 7.75 %, which was statistically significant (p = .003). Registered nurses had high skills in practicing the SOS Score assessment in using the guidelines for the care of patients with bloodstream infections at 83.52 %, which was statistically significantly higher than before the development (p =0.001). Registered nurses had a high level of overall satisfaction at 80.95 % with using the guidelines for patient care, enabling them to care for patients according to professional standards and helping to reduce the rate of severe complications and mortality of patients with bloodstream infections.
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