Iron Deficiency Anemia with Thalassemia in Pregnant Women at Sakon Nakhon Hospital


  • Treewijit Mungpooklang Sakon Nakhon Hospital



Anemia, Pregnant women, Thalassemia, Iron deficiency


This study is a descriptive research. It is to study the prevalence of anemia and causes of anemia in pregnant women who come for prenatal care in the prenatal clinic Sakon Nakhon Hospital, Mueang District, Sakon Nakhon Province. From December 2022 to December 2023, there were 176 cases. The data was analyzed using the SPSS descriptive statistics.
The results of the study shows that 176 cases of pregnant women have the average age of 28.60 years of age. Most of them had a BMI within the normal range 62.50 % (110 cases) average hematocrit value 32.90 %, average hemoglobin value 10.30 g/dL, average serum ferritin value 77.30 (µg/L), iron deficiency detected in 250% (44 cases).  That is, severe iron defic iency was found in 10.20 % (18 cases) and moderate iron deficiency was found in 14.80 %  (26 cases).  When the group with iron deficiency was analyzed using logistic regression statistics, it was found that the type of thalassemia anemia was associated with the occurrence of iron deficiency (p = 0.021, odd ratio = 0.708 (95 % CI, 0.528-0.949)). From the total number of pregnant women diagnosed with thalassemia anemia 71.60 % (126 cases), the most common type was Thalassemia trait E 47.70 % (84 cases).  In the group of thalassemia anemia and iron deficiency was also found in 14.20 % (25 cases). And when studying pregnant women in this group, it was related with Thalassemia trait E more than another type (p = 0.020, odd ratio = 0.365 (95% CI,0.1568- 0.8509)). The present study had shown that iron deficiency was the main health problem of pregnancy in Sakon Nakhon. In addition iron deficiency was also found in thalassemia pregnant women.


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How to Cite

Mungpooklang, T. (2024). Iron Deficiency Anemia with Thalassemia in Pregnant Women at Sakon Nakhon Hospital. Science and Technology to Community, 3(1), 45–58.



Research Articles