Comparative of Effectiveness Between Thai Massage and Exercises with Ruesi Datton with Thai Massage and Herbal Compresses in Patients with Back Signaling Point Number 4 Lom Plai Pattakhat Diseases Kongkrailas District, Sukhothai Province
Thai massage, Exercises with ruesi datton, Herbal compresses, EffectivenessAbstract
This research is a quasi-experimental study comparing the effectiveness of Thai massage combined with Ruesi Datton exercise and Thai massage combined with herbal compress in 70 patients with Back Signaling Point Number 4 Lom Plai Pattakhat Diseases Kongkrailas District, Sukhothai Province, divided into two groups: 35 patients receiving Thai massage combined with Ruesi Datton exercise, and 35 patients receiving Thai massage combined with herbal compress therapy. Pain levels were assessed before and after two treatments, with data collected over a 6-month period. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Paired Sample t-test, and Independent Sample t-test. The results showed that both treatments significantly reduced pain in patients with Back Signaling Point Number 4 Lom Plai Pattakhat Diseases at a statistical significance level of .05 (p < .05). When comparing the average pain scores between the groups, it was found that Thai massage combined with Ruesi Datton exercise significantly reduced pain more effectively than Thai massage combined with herbal compress therapy, at a statistical significance level of .05 (p < .05). Therefore, the public should be encouraged to Ruesi Datton exercise to help stretch the muscles of various parts to help them stay healthy and prevent pain, as well as encouraged patients to Datton exercise to effectively reduce pain, decrease the use of pain medication, and lead to sustainable improvement in quality of life.
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