Effectiveness of Maneevej Exercise Combined with Thai Massage in Patients with Office Syndrome Receiving Treatment at the Thai Traditional Medicine Clinic in Ban Nam Rueang Health Promoting Hospital, Kong Krailat District, Sukhothai Province
Maneevej exercises, Thai massage, Office syndrome, PainAbstract
This research is a semi-experimental study to study the effectiveness of Maneevej exercises with Thai massage in office syndrome patients who come to receive services at Thai Traditional Medicine Clinic in Bannumruang Health Promoting Hospital Kongkrailas District, Sukhothai Province, totaled 35 people based on G*power version Before and after treatment, the researchers collected data by themselves for a period of 5 months, analyzed the data as frequency, percentage, and paired sample t-test. Most of them had pain in the back, shoulders, shoulder blades, neck, and shoulders, which was caused by improper posture and hard work. Most of them are treated with modern medicine (94.29 percent) and had experience with Thai massage (22.86 percent). In addition, it was found that after the experiment. The subjects who received physical administration with Maneevej exercises combined with Thai massage had a statistically significant reduction in pain compared to before the trial at a significant level (p-value < 0.05). After the experiment, the average pain score was 4.49, 3.26 and 1.80, respectively. When estimating the average level of satisfaction. It was found that after the experiment, the subjects who received physical exercises with Maneevej exercises combined with Thai massage were statistically significantly more satisfied than before the trial at a significant level (p-value < 0.05). The average satisfaction level was 4.60, 4.71 and 4.89, respectively. Therefore, it should be encouraged to exercise with Maneevej exercises combined with Thai massage. It is used as an alternative treatment for pain from musculoskeletal diseases. It also encourages the people to exercise with Maneevej exercises to help balance the structure of the body, reduce work pain and help maintain sustainable health.
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