Invention and Study Efficiency of Wireless Controlled Service Robot


  • Rangsan Boonkham Nong Muang Wittaya School, Lopburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office
  • Montita Chueaksrikram Nong Muang Wittaya School, Lopburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office
  • Warisara Kaewsakorn Nong Muang Wittaya School, Lopburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office
  • Purida Sukruen Nong Muang Wittaya School, Lopburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office
  • Darat Buachey Nong Muang Wittaya School, Lopburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office



Invention, Study efficiency, Service robot, Wireless controll


The purpose of this research is to invention and evaluate the effectiveness of service robots. The results of the study showed that service robots that can go forward, backward, turn left, and turn right automatically sweep waste from front to back by sending a wireless control signal with wifi from an iPad or phone to the device at a distance of not less than 50 meters. When experimenting to find the number of revolutions of the shunt gear, it was found that it can run on concrete with 93.44 laps and 89.89 laps on grass can climb the inclined floor at a maximum angle of 8 degrees, and cross obstacles that are about 3 centimeters high. The result of the study of user satisfaction found that the satisfaction level was the highest. Resulting in efficient service robots that help reduce labor and make it more comfortable


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How to Cite

Boonkham, R., Chueaksrikram, M. ., Kaewsakorn, W., Sukruen, P., & Buachey, D. (2023). Invention and Study Efficiency of Wireless Controlled Service Robot . Science and Technology to Community, 1(4), 59–71.



Research Articles