The Development of Electronic Media Teaching ePub 3 Format on Computer Hardware for Primary 2
Electronic media, Standard ePub 3, Computer hardwareAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to develop Electronic Media Teaching ePub 3 Format on Computer Hardware for Primary 2 2) to evaluate the quality of electronic media teaching and 3) to study satisfaction from using teaching media. The target group for this research were 34 students in Primary 2 Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School. The research tool included 1) Electronic Media Teaching ePub 3 Format on Computer Hardware, 2) expert media quality assessment form, and 3) satisfaction assessment form from using teaching media. Statistical analysis of results using mean values. and Standard Deviation. The research results are as follow: 1) Electronic Media Teaching ePub 3 Format on Computer Hardware for Primary 2, it can be used as a teaching aid in the computer subject, 2) the results of media efficiency evaluation at a high level with an average of 4.31 and 3) the result of user satisfaction evaluation satisfaction was at the highest level with an average of 4.79.
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