Raw Goat Milk Qualities from Thai Muslim Farms in Ayuthaya Province, Thailand, A Field Study
Goat milk, Thai Muslim farmบทคัดย่อ
In Thailand, dairy goat farms are associated with Muslim communities where the big cluster is in the central and southern part of the country. The purpose of the paper is to survey the relation of farm management and feeding of 6 Thai Muslim farms in Ayuthaya province with the goat milk quality as mainly focused on the chemical and physical properties, fatty acids compositions, and volatile compounds affecting odor and flavor. Most farms feed their goats with natural grass and silage mixed with soybean meal but some farms may add commercial concentrate feeding and white popinac leaves (Leucaena leucocephala de Wit) in each feeding meal. Our survey indicated the variation in goat milk quality which includes the intense off flavor and odor and fatty acid composition is influenced by insufficient feeding nutrition and poor farm management by some Muslim families. The neglected farm hygiene maybe one of the factors causing the unpleasant odour of goat milk. Percentage of fat and total solid, and specific gravity of goat milk from 6 farms were remarkably followed the standard values of Thai Agricultural Standard, (TAS 2010), whereas percentage of protein and solid not fat (SNF), and freezing point were graded as sub-standard. The improvement of feeding stuff through high nutrition for dairy goats and proper farm management are recommended for these 6 small Muslim farms which will be the prototype farming for upgrade goat milk to the standard in all categories turning back higher income for small Muslim families in Ayuthaya province
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