ความงอกมาตรฐาน, อุณหภูมิ, การทำลายการพักตัวบทคัดย่อ
Holy basil is very popular home-garden vegetable because it has high medicinal and nutritional values. Therefore, holy basil seeds are considerable for trading in Thai agriculture. However, its germination testing method is not included in the Rules for Seed Testing. In this experiment, the germination of Holy basil was tested by Top of Paper (TP) method at 20, 30, alternative temperature of 20-30oC and four dormancy breaking methods as 1. Soaking in water for 24 hr, 2. Preheating at 40oC for 7 days, 3. Using 0.2% KNO3 and 4. Prewashing in running water for 1 hr were tested. The result showed that the TP with alternative temperature (20-30oC) gave the highest germination percentage. The dormancy breaking method were not affected germination percentage of Holy basil seeds. The germination of holy basil seeds could be determined at 14 days after sowing.
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