Effects of Si Application on Growth, Yield and Si Concentration in Rice under Nutrient Solution System
Si in rice, rice organs, rice growth stages, soilless culture, soil amendmentบทคัดย่อ
Over the last decades, Si fertilizer has become a focus of increasing interest in rice. Repeated evidences have indicated the beneficial effects of Si on rice yield, but in Thailand, benefits of Si for rice production as well as uptake and accumulation of Si remain poorly understood. This research was aimed to investigate the effects of Si application on growth and yield in relation to the concentration of Si in rice plants under nutrient solution system. Five rates of Ca2SiO4 (0, 10, 50, 100 and 500 mgCa2SiO4 L-1) was applied in each pot containing Asher’s nutrient solution. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The rice samples were collected at two rice growth stages, panicle initiation (60 DAS) and harvest stage, making a total of six sets for each treatment (total of thirty pots). The rice samples were separated into leaf, stem, root, petiole, husk and grain, depending on growth stage for the determination of growth, yield, and Si concentration in rice organs. The results revealed that the application of Si to rice had significant effects on dry matters of leaf, stem, root, petiole, husk and grain at all growth stages, including tiller no., panicle weight, panicle length and panicle no. The highest dry matter and other parameters were found when Ca2SiO4 was applied at the rate of 100 mg L-1 (T4). In terms of Si concentration in rice plant, increasing level of Si up to 500 mgCa2SiO4 L-1 (T5) significantly increased the total Si content in rice organs at almost all growth stages, except Si content in root. The Si concentration in rice organs were accumulated in husk > leaf ³ stem > grain > root. Furthermore, rice as a Si-accumulator plant, the use of rice plant residue as soil amendment should be considered to improve agronomical productivity of Si-high accumulating plants
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